Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2008


Seseorang dapat berpikir kapanpun dan dimanapun
Berpikir tidaklah memerlukan waktu, tempat ataupun kondisi khusus. Seseorang dapat berpikir sambil berjalan di jalan raya, ketika pergi ke kantor, mengemudi mobil, bekerja di depan komputer, menghadiri pertemuan dengan rekan-rekan, melihat TV ataupun ketika sedang makan siang.

Misalnya: di saat sedang mengemudi mobil, seseorang melihat ratusan orang berada di luar. Ketika menyaksikan mereka, ia terdorong untuk berpikir tentang berbagai macam hal. Dalam benaknya tergambar penampilan fisik dari ratusan orang yang sedang disaksikannya yang sama sekali berbeda satu sama lain. Tak satupun diantara mereka yang mirip dengan yang lain. Sungguh menakjubkan: kendatipun orang-orang ini memiliki anggota tubuh yang sama, misalnya sama-sama mempunyai mata, alis, bulu mata, tangan, lengan, kaki, mulut dan hidung; tetapi mereka terlihat sangat berbeda satu sama lain. Ketika berpikir sedikit mendalam, ia akan teringat bahwa:
Allah telah menciptakan bilyunan manusia selama ribuan tahun, semuanya berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Ini adalah bukti nyata tentang ke Maha Perkasaan dan ke Maha Besaran Allah.
Menyaksikan manusia yang sedang lalu lalang dan bergegas menuju tempat tujuan mereka masing-masing, dapat memunculkan beragam pikiran di benak seseorang. Ketika pertama kali memandang, muncul di pikirannya: manusia yang jumlahnya banyak ini terdiri atas individu-individu yang khas dan unik. Tiap individu memiliki dunia, keinginan, rencana, cara hidup, hal-hal yang membuatnya bahagia atau sedih, serta perasaannya sendiri. Secara umum, setiap manusia dilahirkan, tumbuh besar dan dewasa, mendapatkan pendidikan, mencari pekerjaan, bekerja, menikah, mempunyai anak, menyekolahkan dan menikahkan anak-anaknya, menjadi tua, menjadi nenek atau kakek dan pada akhirnya meninggal dunia.

Dilihat dari sudut pandang ini, ternyata perjalanan hidup semua manusia tidaklah jauh berbeda; tidak terlalu penting apakah ia hidup di perkampungan di kota Istanbul atau di kota besar seperti Mexico, tidak ada bedanya sedikitpun. Semua orang suatu saat pasti akan mati, seratus tahun lagi mungkin tak satupun dari orang-orang tersebut yang akan masih hidup. Menyadari kenyataan ini, seseorang akan berpikir dan bertanya kepada dirinya sendiri: "Jika kita semua suatu hari akan mati, lalu apakah gerangan yang menyebabkan manusia bertingkah laku seakan-akan mereka tak akan pernah meninggalkan dunia ini? Seseorang yang akan mati sudah sepatutnya beramal secara sungguh-sungguh untuk kehidupannya setelah mati; tetapi mengapa hampir semua manusia berkelakuan seolah-olah hidup mereka di dunia tak akan pernah berakhir?"
Orang yang memikirkan hal-hal semacam ini lah yang dinamakan orang yang berpikir dan mencapai kesimpulan yang sangat bermakna dari apa yang ia pikirkan.
Sebagian besar manusia tidak berpikir tentang masalah kematian dan apa yang terjadi setelahnya. Ketika mendadak ditanya,"Apakah yang sedang anda pikirkan saat ini?", maka akan terlihat bahwa mereka sedang memikirkan segala sesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak perlu untuk dipikirkan, sehingga tidak akan banyak manfaatnya bagi mereka. Namun, seseorang bisa juga "berpikir" hal-hal yang "bermakna", "penuh hikmah" dan "penting" setiap saat semenjak bangun tidur hingga kembali ke tempat tidur, dan mengambil pelajaran ataupun kesimpulan dari apa yang dipikirkannya.
Dalam Al-Qur'an, Allah menyatakan bahwa orang-orang yang beriman memikirkan dan merenungkan secara mendalam segala kejadian yang ada dan mengambil pelajaran yang berguna dari apa yang mereka pikirkan.
"Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berakal, (yaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata): "Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka." (QS. Aali 'Imraan, 3: 190-191).
Ayat di atas menyatakan bahwa oleh karena orang-orang yang beriman adalah mereka yang berpikir, maka mereka mampu melihat hal-hal yang menakjubkan dari ciptaan Allah dan mengagungkan Kebesaran, Ilmu serta Kebijaksanaan Allah.

Berpikir dengan ikhlas sambil menghadapkan diri kepada Allah
Agar sebuah perenungan menghasilkan manfaat dan seterusnya menghantarkan kepada sebuah kesimpulan yang benar, maka seseorang harus berpikir positif. Misalnya: seseorang melihat orang lain dengan penampilan fisik yang lebih baik dari dirinya. Ia lalu merasa dirinya rendah karena kekurangan yang ada pada fisiknya dibandingkan dengan orang tersebut yang tampak lebih rupawan. Atau ia merasa iri terhadap orang tersebut. Ini adalah pikiran yang tidak dikehendaki Allah. Jika ridha Allah yang dicari, maka seharusnya ia menganggap bagusnya bentuk rupa orang yang ia lihat sebagai wujud dari ciptaan Allah yang sempurna.

Dengan melihat orang yang rupawan sebagai sebuah keindahan yang Allah ciptakan akan memberikannya kepuasan. Ia berdoa kepada Allah agar menambah keindahan orang tersebut di akhirat. Sedang untuk dirinya sendiri, ia juga meminta kepada Allah agar dikaruniai keindahan yang hakiki dan abadi di akhirat kelak. Hal serupa seringkali dialami oleh seorang hamba yang sedang diuji oleh Allah untuk mengetahui apakah dalam ujian tersebut ia menunjukkan perilaku serta pola pikir yang baik yang diridhai Allah atau sebaliknya.

Keberhasilan dalam menempuh ujian tersebut, yakni dalam melakukan perenungan ataupun proses berpikir yang mendatangkan kebahagiaan di akhirat, masih ditentukan oleh kemauannya dalam mengambil pelajaran atau peringatan dari apa yang ia renungkan. Karena itu, sangatlah ditekankan disini bahwa seseorang hendaknya selalu berpikir secara ikhlas sambil menghadapkan diri kepada Allah. Allah berfirman dalam Al-Qur'an :
"Dia lah yang memperlihatkan kepadamu tanda-tanda (kekuasaan)-Nya dan menurunkan untukmu rezki dari langit. Dan tiadalah mendapat pelajaran kecuali orang-orang yang kembali (kepada Allah)." (QS. Ghaafir, 40: 13)

Jun 08, 2007


Harun Yahya

Senin, 18 Agustus 2008

Sejarah Hidup Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

Sejarah Hidup Muhammad

:oleh Muhammad Husain Haekal

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:oleh almarhum Syaikh Muhammad Mustafa al-Maraghi

(Rektor Magnificus Universitas Al-Azhar)


Lingkungan kekuasaan Islam yang pertama -xli; Islam dan Nasrani - xliii; Kaum Muslimin dan Isa - xliii; Orang-orang Kristen yang fanatik dan Muhammad - xlv; Dasar-dasar yang sederhana dalam kedua agama - xlvi; Perbedaan Tauhid dan Trinitas -xlvii; Kaum Nasrani mengajak Nabi berdebat - xlviii; Masalah penyaliban Almasih - li; Rumawi dan kaum Muslimin - lii; Penulis-penulis Kristen dan Muhammad - lii; Sebab permusuhan Islam-Kristen - lv; Kristen tidak sesuai dengan watak Barat - lvi; Penjajahan dan propaganda anti Islam - lviii; Islam dan apa yang terjadi dengan umat Islam -lviii; Sikap jumud di kalangan pemuda - lix; Ilmu dan literatur Barat - lx; Usaha-usaha modernisasi dunia Islam - lxi; Misi penginjil dan golongan yang berpikiran beku - lxii; Terpikir akan menulis buku ini - lxiii; Qur'an sumber yang paling otentik - lxiii; Konsultasi yang tepat - lxiv; Dalam batas-batas biografi, tidak lebih - lxvi; Penyelidikan berguna bagi seluruh umat manusia - lxviii.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4, Bagian 5, Bagian 6.


Pembela-pembela Orientalis - lxxiv; Sebab-sebab kesalahan Orientalis - lxxvi; Buku biografi penulis-penulis Islam sebagai pegangan - lxxvi; Orientalis dan ketentuan-ketentuan agama - lxxviii; Qur'an tidak diubah-ubah - lxxviii; Pendapat Muir - lxxx; Penulisan Qur'an pada zaman Nabi - lxxxi; Bila berselisih kembali kepada Nabi - lxxxii; Pengumpulan Qur'an langkah pertama - lxxxiii; Mushaf Usman - lxxxiv; Persatuan Islam zaman Usman - lxxxv; Mushaf Usman cermat dan lengkap - lxxxvi; Cara yang sebenarnya dalam mengadakan penyelidikan - xc; Fitnah sekitar ayan - xci; Kembali kepada ilmu pengetahuan - xcii; Kadang ilmu yang tidak cukup - xciii; Menyerang Muhammad karena gagal menyerang ajarannya - xcv; Pertimbangan mereka yang aktif dalam soal-soal Islam - xcvii; Selawat kepada Nabi - xcviii; Menangkis kecaman - c; Buku-buku sejarah dan buku-buku hadis - c; Kontradiksi - ci; Faktor waktu, ketika cerita itu ditulis - ciii; Pengaruh pertentangan politik dalam dunia Islam - civ; Penghimpunan hadis - civ; Kriterium yang sebenarnya tentang Hadis - cv; Penghimpunan hadis pada masa Ma'mun - cvii; Cerita-cerita tidak masuk akal dan tidak ilmiah - cx; Qur'an dan mujizat - cx; Mujizat terbesar - cxi; Iman menurut pemuka-pemuka Islam - cxiii; Orang-orang mukmin pada masa Nabi - cxiii; Gharaniq dan Tabuk - cxiv; Metoda saya dalam penyelidikan ini - cxvi; Penyelidikan-penyelidikan Orientalis - cxviii; Kaum Muslimin dan penyelidikan - cxix.



Sumber peradaban pertama - 1; Laut Tengah dan Laut Merah - 2; Agama-agama Kristen dan Majusi - 3; Bizantium pewaris Rumawi - 4; Sekta-sekta Kristen dan pertentangannya - 4; Majusi Persia di Jazirah Arab - 6; Antara dua kekuatan - 7; Letak geografis Semenanjung Arab - 7; Tidak dikenal, selain Yaman - 8; Raja sahara - 8; Lalu lintas kafilah 9; Kekuatan Persia di Yaman - 9; Yaman dan peradabannya - 10; Judaisma dan Kristen di Yaman -11; Sebabnya Jazirah bertahan pada paganisma 18.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4


Letak Mekah - 24; Ibrahim dan Ismail - 24; Kisah penyembelihan dan penebusan - 26; Zamzam - 29; Perkawinan Ismail dengan Jurhum - 29; Pembangunan Ka'bah - 32; Mekah di bawah Jurhum - 35; Qushayy dan anak-anaknya - 38; Mekah di tangan Qushayy - 38; Hasyim dan Abd'l-Muttalib - 39; Tugas-tugas duniawi dan agama di Mekah - 39; Berziarah ke Mekah - 42; Abdullah bin Abd'l-Muttalib - 43; Kisah penebusannya - 43; Kisah Abraha dan gajah - 45.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4


Perkawinan Abdullah dengan Aminah - 52; Abdullah wafat - 53; Muhammad lahir - 53; Disusukan oleh Keluarga Sa'd - 56; Kisah dua malaikat dan pembedahan dada - 57; Lima tahun selama tinggal di pedalaman - 60 ; Di bawah asuhan Abd'l-Muttalib - 60; Aminah wafat - 61; Abd'l-Muttalib wafat - 62; Di bawah asuhan Abu Talib - 63; Pergi ke Suria dalam usia duabelas tahun - 63; Perang Fijar - 65; Menggembala kambing - 68; Ke Suria membawa dagangan Khadijah -71; Perkawinannya dengan Khadijah- 73
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Perawakan dan sifat-sifat Muhammad - 75; Penduduk Mekah membangun Ka'bah - 77; Putusan Muhammad tentang Hajar Aswad - 78; Pemikir-pemikir Quraisy dan Paganisma - 80; Putera-puteri Muhammad - 81; Kematian putera-puterinya - 82; Perkawinan puteri-puterinya - 83; Kecenderungan Muhammad menyendiri - 85; Menjauhi dosa ke Gua Hira - 86; Mimpi Hakiki - 88; Wahyu pertama - 89.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Percakapan Khadijah dengan Waraga b. Naufal -95; Wahyu terhenti - 97; Islamnya Abu Bakr - 100; Kaum Muslimin yang mula-mula - 101; Ajakan Muhammad kepada keluarganya - 102; Quraisy menghasut penyair-penyairnya terhadap Muhammad - 105; Muhammad menista dewa-dewa Quraisy - 107; Utusan Quraisy kepada Abu Talib - 109; Kedudukan Muhammad terhadap pamannya - Quraisy menyiksa kaum Muslimin - 110; Kaum Muslimin hijrah ke Abisinia - 118; Islamnya Umar - 125.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4


Cerita ini biasanya digunakan oleh ahli-ahli non-Islam untuk mengatakan bahwa Al-Qur'an pernah tercemari oleh ayat-ayat setan. Haekal menjelaskan secara bagus didalam argumentasinya:
Kembalinya mereka yang hijrah ke Abisinia - Gharaniq yang luhur - Orientalis-orientalis bertahan pada cerita ini - Pegangan mereka dalam hal ini - Lemahnya pegangan tersebut - Cerita yang nyata-nyata dusta ini dibantah oleh penyelidikan ilmiah


Umar mengumumkan keislamanannya dan Muslimin beribadat di Ka'bah - 139; Piagam pemboikotan - 139; Upaya-upaya Quraisy memerangi Muhammad - 140; Alat propaganda - 140; Kefasihan yang mempesonakan - 142; Jabr orang Nasrani - 143; Tufail ad-Adausi - 144; Delegasi Nasrani - 145; Terpengaruhnya Quraisy pada ajakan yang baru - 146; Kekuatiran-kekuatiran Quraisy: persaingan - 149; Kehilangan kedudukan di Mekah - 150; Hari kebangkitan - 151; Beberapa perbandingan - 156.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Muslimin lari dari Mekah ke celah-celah gunung - 159; Tidak bergaul dengan orang kecuali dalam bulan-bulan suci - 159; Zuhair dan kawan-kawannya membatalkan piagam - 160; Abu Talib dan Khadijah wafat - 163; Gangguan Quraisy kepada Muhammad - 165; Kepergian Muhammad ke Ta'if dan penolakan Thaqif - 166; Menikah dengan Aisyah puteri Abu Bakr dan janda Sauda - 169; Isra' dan Mi'raj - 169.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Kabilah-kabilah menolak Muhammad secara kasar - 181; Tanda kemenangan dari arah Yathrib - 182; Hubungan Yahudi dengan Aus dan Khazraj - 182; Beberapa orang Yathrib masuk Islam - 184; Perang Bu'ath - 185; Ikrar 'Aqaba yang pertama - 187; Mush'ab b. 'Umair - 188; Kembali ke Mekah sesudah setahun - 188; Orang-orang Islam dari Yathrib - 184; Ikrar 'Aqaba yang kedua - 190; Beritanya di kalangan Quraisy - 193; Muhammad mengijinkan Muslimin Mekah hijrah ke Yathrib - 195 ; Komplotan Quraisy mau membunuh Muhammad - 196.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Perintah hijrah - 199; Ali di tempat tidur Nabi - 200; Di gua Thaur - 200; Berangkat ke Yathrib - 203; Cerita Suraqa b. Ju'syum - 204; Muslimin Medinah menantikan kedatangan Rasul - 207; Islam di Yathrib - 208; Muhammad memasuki Medinah - 211.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Yathrib menyambut Muhajir Besar - 213; Pembinaan mesjid dan tempat tinggal Nabi - 214; Kebebasan beragama bagi seluruh penduduk Yathrib - 215; Orang-orang Yahudi Medinah - Muhammad mempersaudarakan kaum Muhajirin dengan Anshar - 218; Perjanjiannya dengan Yahudi menetapkan kebebasan beragama - 221; Perkawinan Muhammad dengan Aisyah - 225; Zakat dan Puasa - 226; Azan sembahyang - 226; Teladan dan ajaran-ajaran Muhammad - 228; Kuatnya agama baru dan takutnya pihak Yahudi - 233; Kiblat dari al-Majid'l-Aqsha dialihkan. ke al-Masjid'l Haram - 238; Delegasi Nasrani Najran ke Medinah - 239; Pertemuan tiga agama di Yathrib - 240; Kaum Muslimin mempertimbangkan kedudukannya terhadap Quraisy - 242.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4


Politik Muslimin di Medinah dan satuan-satuan yang pertama - 245; Nabi berangkat sendiri - 246; Pendapat ahli-ahli sejarah tentang ekspedisi pertama - 247; Pendapat kami tentang satuan-satuan ini - 248; Menyudutkan perdagangan Quraisy - 248; Anshar dan perang Agresi - 250; Watak penduduk Medinah - 251; Menakut-nakuti Yahudi - 252; Intrik-intrik Yahudi - 252; Islam dan Perang - 253; Orang-orang suci dalam Islam dan Kristen - 260; Islam agama kodrat - 261.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Keberangkatan Abu Sufyan ke Syam - 262; Usaha Muslimin memotong jalan - 263; Berangkat dengan sukses - 269; Perdagangan Abu Sufyan selamat - 269; Quraisy dan Muslimin ragu-ragu akan berperang - 270; Ditunggu kembalinya - 271; Quraisy mengetahui persiapan Muslimin - 273; Mereka berangkat ke Badr - 271; Posisi kedua belah pihak di Badr - 273; Doa Muhammad 275; Hilangnya keraguan - 277; Semangat dan kemenangan Muslimin - 284
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4


Muslimin dan Yahudi - 297; Perang Qainuqa' - 300; Yahudi keluar dari Medinah - 301; Quraisy bergerak - 303; Ekspedisi Sawiq - 303; Kabilah-kabilah bergerak lalu melarikan diri - 305; Hancurnya Safwan b. Umayya - 308.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Persiapan Quraisy di Mekah - 311; Berangkat perang - 311; Bagaimana Muhammad mengetahui - 312; Muslimin bermusyawarah: bertahan di Medinah atau menyongsong musuh di luar - 314; Kalah dan menang - Nabi berangkat dari Medinah - 317; Berhadapan dengan lawan - 318; Abu Sufyan dan Quraisy kembali ke Mekah - 334.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Politik Muhammad sesudah Uhud - 335; Pasukan Abu Salama - 336; Pasukan Abdullah b. 'Unais - 337; Peristiwa ar-Raji' (tahun 625) - 337; Zaid b. Khubaib dibunuh - 339; Orientalis diam saja - 340; Orang-orang Yahudi dan orang-orang Munafik di Medinah - 342; Yahudi berkomplot terhadap Muhammad - 343; Abdullah b. Ubayy membakar semangat orang-orang Yahudi - 344; Banu Nadzir dikepung - 345; Exodus - 346; Sekretaris Nabi - 348; Badr terakhir - 349; Ekspedisi Dhat'r-Riqa' - 350; Ekspedisi Duma'l-Jandal - 351;
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Haekal mengulas isteri-isteri Nabi Muhammad saw., terutama kepada Zainab, sebagai jawaban dari tuduhan kaum orientalis mengenai perkawinan nabi dengan Zainab.
Teriakan Orientalis tentang Zainab bt. Jahsy - Zainab menurut gambaran kaum Orientalis - Orang-orang besar tidak tunduk kepada undang-undang - Penggambaran Orientalis yang keliru - Sampai usia 50 tahun hanya beristerikan Khadijah - Hanya Khadijah yang membawa keturunan - Perkawinan Sauda bt. Zam'a - Penelitian sejarah dan kesimpulannya Cerita Zainab bt. Jahsy - Kekeluargaan Muhammad dengan Zainab - Melamarnya untuk Zaid dan penolakan Zainab - Terpaksa menerima - Zaid mengadukan Zainab dan perceraian - Hukum pengaduan dalam Islam - Bagaimana Muhammad kawin dengan Zainab - Bagaimana pendapat kaum Orientalis tentang cerita Zainab bt. Jahsy - Muhammad menjunjung tinggi kedudukan wanita


Naluri orang-orang Arab dan kewaspadaan Muhammad - 370; Permusuhan Yahudi yang sengit - 371; Utusan Yahudi kepada Quraisy - 372; Yahudi lebih mengutamakan paganisma daripada Islam - 372; Pendapat seorang Yahudi - 373; Yahudi menghasut orang Arab - 373; - Muslimin gentar - 374; Menggali parit sekitar Medinah - 375; Quraisy terkejut melihat parit - 377; Musim dingin yang luar biasa - 377; Quraiza melanggar perjanjian - 380; Utusan Muhammad kepada Quraiza - 380; Yang menyerbu parit - 383; Muslimin dianggap enteng oleh Quraiza - 384; Intrik Nuiaim di kalangan Ahzab dan Quraiza - 384; Angin topan menghancurkan perkemahan Ahzab - 386; Ahzab berangkat pulang - 386; Perang Quraiza - 387; Keputusan Sa'd b. Mu'adh - 390; Keuletan orang-orang Yahudi dalam perang - 391; Harta benda Banu Quraiza - 393.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Penyusunan masyarakat Arab - 395; Affair percintaan dan semangat perang - 397; Wanita, di negeri Arab dan di Eropa masa itu - 398; Wanita dalam undang-undang Rumawi - 399; Muhammad dan reformasi sosial - 400; Islam melarang mempertontonkan diri - 401; Rumah tangga Nabi - 404; Persiapan kehidupan sosial untuk masyarakat Islam - 405; Ekspedisi Banu Lihyan - 406; Pembersihan Banu Qarad - 407; Ekspedisi menghadapi Banu'l-Mushtaliq - 408; Fitnah Abdullah b. Ubayy - 409; Kedengkian Ibn Ubayy kepada Nabi - 411; Perjuangan batin yang berat - 411; Nabi memaafkan Ibn Ubayy - 412; Tertinggal tak terasa - 413; Juairia bt. al-Harith - 415; Aisyah jatuh sakit - 417; Muhammad minta pendapat Usman dan Ali - 419; Muhammad menemui Aisyah - 420; Wahyu membebaskan Aisyah - 421; Maaf yang sungguh indah - 423.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Setelah enam tahun di Medinah - 424; Muslimin dirintangi ke Mesjid Suci - 424; Muslimin mengumumkan naik haji - 427; Dua perkemahan bertemu - 429; Muhammad memelihara perdamaian - 431; Utusan Quraisy kepada Muhammad - 433; Perutusan 'Urwa ibn Mas'ud - 434; Utusan Muhammad kepada Quraisy - 435; Usman b'Affan diutus - 436; Ikrar Ridzwan - 437; Perutusan Quraisy kepada Muhammad - 438; Perundingan kedua belah pihak - 440; Abu Bakr dan Umar - 441; Perjanjian Hudaibiya (Maret 628) - 441; Perjanjian Hudaibiya mulai berlaku - 442; Hudaibiya: suatu kemenangan yang nyata - 444; Cerita Abu Bashir - 445; Wanita-wanita Muslihat yang hijrah - 448; Apa yang dilakukan Muhammad - 449.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Islam dan reformasi sosial - 451; Kematangan ajaran Islam - 451; Larangan khamr - 452; Kerajaan Rumawi dan Persia - 454; Islam: keseimbangan rohani dan jasmani - 458; Penumpasan terakhir Yahudi seluruh jazirah - 459; Besarnya kekuatan kedua belah pihak - 461; Benteng Khaibar terkepung - 462; Pihak Yahudi mati-matian - 463; Sebabnya Yahudi putus asa - 464; Perdamaian Khaibar - 465; Yahudi Fadak - 466; MenyerahnyaWadi'l-Qura - 466; Perkawinan Shafia dengan Muhammad - 468; Kisra dan surat Nabi - 471; Jawaban Muqauqis - 472; Jawaban Najasyi - 472; Muslimin kembali dari Abisinia - 473; Menantikan Umrah pengganti - 475.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4


Muslimin berangkat ke Mekah - 476; Quraisy menyingkir dari Mekah - 477; Muslimin di depan Ka'bah - 477; Bertawaf di Ka'bah - 478; Tiga hari di Mekah - 479; Perkawinan Nabi dengan Maimunah - 480; Muslimin ke Medinah - 481; Islamnya Khalid bin'l-Walid - 482; Islamnya 'Amr bin'l-Ash dan 'Uthman b. Talha - 483.


Perhatian Muhammad ke Syam - 484; Mengerahkan 3000 orang - 485; Pasukan Rumawi - 486; Dua pasukan bertemu - 487; Zaid b. Haritha sebagai panglima - 487; Ja'far b. Abi Talib - 487; Abdullah b. Rawaha - 487; Tiga orang panglima gugur berturut-turut - Pimpinan di tangan Khalid bin'l-Walid - 489; Siasat Khalid - 490; Muhammad menangisi para Syuhada - 491; Ekspedisi Dhat's-Salasil - 492.


Pengaruh Mu'ta - 494; Tersebarnya Islam di sebelah utara - 495; Quraisy melanggar Perjanjian Hudaibiya - 496; Khuza'a meminta bantuan Nabi - 496; Orang bijaksana Quraisy cemas - 497; Abu Sufyan di Medinah - 498; - Kegagalan misi Abu Sufyan - 498; Persiapan Muslimin membebaskan Mekah - 499; Surat Abi Balta'a kepada Quraisy - 499; Perjalanan tentara Muslimin - 501; Banu Hasyim masuk Islam - 502; Abbas b. Abd'l-Muttalib 502; Abu Sufyan mengintai - 503; Pertemuannya dengan Abbas - 503; Abu Sufyan di hadapan Rasul - 504; Persiapan memasuki Mekah - 506; Pembagian pasukan - 508; Memasuki Mekah - 509; Gambar-gambar dalam Ka'bah - 511; Ka'bah dibersihkan dari berhala - 512; Kekuatiran Anshar - 513; Islamnya Penduduk Mekah - 515.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Malik b. 'Auf menghasut - 520; Muslimin berangkat ke Hunain - 521; Serangan Hawazin dan Thaqif - 521; Muslimin kucar-kacir - Ketabahan hati Muhammad - 522;Muslimin kembali bertempur - 524; Kemenangan Muslimin - 525; Kehancuran total pihak Musyrik - 526; Harga sebuah kemenangan - 527; Ta'if dikepung - 528; Diserang dengan manjaniq - 530; Kebun anggur ditebang dan dibakar - Utusan Hawazin meminta kembali tawanan perangnya - 531; Tawanan Hawazin dikembalikan - 533-534.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Kelahiran Ibrahim, putera Nabi dengan Maria dan pertengkaran antara ister-isteri Nabi karena kelahiran Ibrahim tersebut. Cerita ini juga menimbulkan kegairahan mengarang cerita yang tidak-tidak dari kaum orientalis, yang dibalas-balik oleh Haekal secara tepat
Kembali ke Medinah - Kisah Ka'b ibn Zuhair - Utusan kabilah-kabilah kepada Nabi - Zainab wafat - Ibrahim lahir - Isteri-isteri Nabi cemburu - Hafsha dan Aisyah memperlihatkan sikap - Keterangan Umar - Cerita Maghafir - Maria di rumah Hafsha - Selama sebulan Nabi meninggalkan isterinya - Percakapan Umar dengan Nabi - Surat At-Tahrim.


Sejarah peperangan di Tabuk dan kematian putera kesayangan Nabi Muhammad yang bernama Ibrahim
Ketentuan Zakat dan Kharaj - Berita Rumawi bersiap-siap - Seruan Muhammad menghadapi Rumawi - Muslimin menyambut seruan Rasul - Mereka yang tinggal di belakang dan orang-orang Munafik - Muhammad bersikap tegas - Tentara Rumawi - Jalan ke Syam yang panas membakar - Perjanjian dengan Yohanna dan para amir perbatasan - Ibrahim sakit - Muhammad meratapi kematian Ibrahim.


Pengaruh Tabuk - 571; Islamnya 'Urwa bin Mas'ud - 572; Perutusan Thaqif - 573; Nabi menolak berhala - 574; Minta dibebaskan dari salat - 575; Lat dibinasakan - 576; Abu Bakr memimpin jemaah haji - 577; Dasar ideal negara yang baru tumbuh - 583; Keputusan yang berlebih-lebihan - 584; Kebebasan berpikir dan peradaban Barat - 585; Bolsjevisma sebagai konsepsi ekonomi - 586; Membungkam kebebasan berpikir yang beralasan - 587; Gambaran kehidupan syirik - 588; Revolusi terhadap syirik dibenarkan - 589; 'Amir bin't-Tufail - 590; Perjuangan dalam Islam dan alasannya - 592
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3


Muhammad dan Ahli Kitab - 594; Kedudukannya di kalangan orang-orang Nasrani - 596; Keramahannya terhadap mereka - 599; Islam membedakan paganisma dengan Ahli Kitab - 598; Mengalirnya perutusan - 600; Kesatuan Arab di bawah Islam - 600; Islamnya Ahli Kitab - 601; Perutusan terakhir ke Medinah - 601; Persiapan Nabi naik haji - 601; Perjalanan kaum Muslimin ke Haji - 602; Ihram dan Talbiah - 602; Melepaskan Umrah - 603; Ali kembali dari Yaman - 604; Menjalankan manasik haji - 606; Khotbah 'Arafat - 606; "Hari ini Kusempurnakan agamamu." - 610;
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Menceriterakan sakit dan wafatnya Nabi; termasuk sejarah nabi-nabi palsu diawal sejarah Islam dan penunjukkan Abu Bakr untuk menjadi imam sholat
Sesudah haji perpisahan - 611; Rencana ekspedisi ke Rumawi - 613; Pasukan Usama - 614; Pesan Nabi kepada Usman - 614; Nabi mulai sakit - 615; Kepergiannya ke pekuburan Muslimin -617; Bergurau sekalipun dalam keadaan sakit - 619; Demam keras - 620; Pergi ke mesjid - Mendoakan syuhada Uhud - 620; Pesannya kepada Muhajirin dan Anshar - 621; Menyuruh Abu Bakr memimpin sembahyang - 622; Percakapan dengan Fatimah anaknya - 622; Bermaksud menuliskan wasiat - 623; Tidak mau diobati keluarganya - 624; Kesadaran sebelum wafat - 627; Berpulang ke rahmatullah - 627.


Berita kematian menggemparkan - 629; Umar tidak percaya Rasul wafat - 629; Kedatangan Abu Bakr - 631; Barangsiapa akan menyembah Muhammad, Muhammad sudah meninggal - 632; Benarkah Muhammad sudah wafat - 632; Abu Bakr membacakan ayat Qur'an - Pendapatnya meyakinkan Muslimin - 632; Pasukan Usama kembali ke Medinah - 633; Sambutan Abu Bakr kepada Anshar - 634; Ikrar Umum - 637; Pidato Khulafa'ur-Rasyidin yang pertama - 637; Di mana Rasul akan dimakamkan? - 638; Nabi dimandikan - 640; Perpisahan dengan jenazah yang suci - 641; Detik-detik yang khidmat dalam sejarah - 641; Keguncangan orang-orang yang lemah iman - 641; Nabi dikebumikan - 642; Aisyah di ruangan sebelah makam - 643; Menyelamatkan pasukan Usama - 643; Para nabi tidak diwariskan - 644; Warisan rohani terbesar - 644.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2


Dua kebudayaan: Islam dan Barat - 649; Pertentangan gereja dan negara - 649; Sistem ekonomi dasar kebudayaan Barat - 650; Kisah kebudayaan Barat mencari kebahagiaan umat manusia - 651; Dasar kebudayaan Islam - 652; Dalam Islam tak ada pertentangan agama dengan negara - 654; Dalam segala hal akallah patokan dalam Islam - 655; Kekuatan iman - 657; Iman kepada Allah - 657; Iman dasar Islam - 659; Dengan mencari pertolongan Tuhan sampai kepada alam - 661; Sembahyang - 661; Persamaan di hadapan Tuhan - 663; Puasa bukan suatu tekanan - 665; Zakat - 667; Lembaga zakat - 669; Cinta harta - 670; Ibadah haji - 671; Norma-norma etik dalam Islam - 672; Insan Kamil dalam Qur'an - 673; Qur'an dan budi-pekerti - 675; Sistem moral - 677; Arti larangan minuman keras dan judi - 679; Qur'an dan ilmu pengetahuan - 680; Sistem ekonomi - 680; Larangan riba - 681; Bahaya riba yang lain - 682; Riba dan penjajahan - 683; Sosialisma Islam - 684; Tidak menghapuskan hak milik secara mutlak - 684; Sistem sosialisma yang sudah mantap - 685; Sosialisma dasarnya persaudaraan - 685; Mungkin ada yang menjadi keberatan pihak Barat - 687; Keberatan yang salah - 687; Teladan yang diberikan Muhammad - 688; Ulama yang menyesatkan - 689; Kebudayaan Islam dalam dunia kita sekarang - 690.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4, Bagian 5, Bagian 6


Tantangan pihak Orientalis - 692; Irving dan jabariah - 693; Qur'an dan takdir - 695; Yang sesat merugikan diri sendiri - 703; Contoh dalam kehidupan pribadi - 704; Maut, akhir dan awal hidup - 705; Rasul-rasul Tuhan dari anak negerinya - 708; Pengertian filosofis dalam jabariah Islam - 710; Yang baik dan yang jahat - 713; Pintu taubat - 715; Evolusi rohani dalam kehidupan - 716; Mulanya, adalah kekerasan dan fanatisma - 718; Rasio dan iman tentang mujizat - 720; Harta dan anak-anak keturunan serta perbuatan baik yang kekal - 724; Muslimin berpikir jadi terbalik. Bagaimana? - 725; Pendapat Syaikh Muhammad Abduh - 725; Pandangan Muslimin yang kemudian - 729; Islam-Kristen dan jalan tengah - 730; Barangsiapa menggunakan pedang akan binasa oleh pedang - 731; Islam tidak menggunakan pedang - 731; Sebuah Liga umat Islam - 733; Jiwa perdamaian di dunia - 735; Toleransi yang tinggi dasar perdamaian - 736; Keluhuran hidup Muhammad - 738.
Bagian 1, Bagian 2, Bagian 3, Bagian 4, Bagian 5, Bagian 6




  • Sejarah pembentukan mushaf Al-Qur'an menurut seorang orientalis Muir: Bagian 1, Bagian 2.
  • Kotbah 'Arafat, kotbah terakhir Nabi Muhammad saw di hadapan umat Islam di desa Namira, menandai kelengkapan risalah yang dibawakannya.

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Posted by: Noer H2O

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Al-Quran in Other Language Juz 2

Surah Al-Baqoroh: 142-252

142. Now the fools will say: 'who has turned the Muslims from their Qibla on which they had been? Say you: 'East and West all belong to Allah; He guides whom He likes to the right path.

# And thus We made you exalted among all nations that you may be witnesses to the people and this Messenger your guard and witness. And O, beloved! We had not made that Qibla upon which you had been before, but to see who follows the Messenger and who turns back upon his heals. And verily, indeed it was hard, but to those who were guided by Allah. And it does not behave Allah that He might waste your faith: Verily Allah is very Kind and Merciful to human beings.

# We are seeing the turning of your face towards heaven repeatedly; necessarily then We will turn you towards that Qibla which pleases you. Turn your face towards the sacred mosque (Kaaba) just now; and O Muslims! Turn your faces towards the same, whenever you be. And those who; have been given the Book know necessarily, that this is the truth from their Lord, and Allah is not unaware of their doings.

# And even if you should, bring every sign to those people of the Book, they would not follow your Qibla: And you follow not their Qibla; and they are not followers of each other Qibla among themselves too. And (O listener, whoever he may be) if you should follow their desires after the knowledge that has been given to you, then at that time, you shall surely be of the transgressors.

# Those whom We gave the Book recognise this prophet as man recognises his sons and no doubt, a group of them conceal the truth knowingly.

# (O Listener) It is the truth from your Lord (or the truth is that which is from your Lord) then beware! Doubt not.

# And there is a direction of inclination for every one towards which, he turns his face; then desire that you may surpass others in good deeds. Wherever you be, Allah will bring you all together. No doubt, Allah has the power to do all that He wills.

# And from where so ever you come forth turn your face towards the sacred Mosque (Kaaba) and that is necessarily, the truth from your Lord and Allah is not unaware of your doings.

# And O beloved! When so-ever you come forth turn your face towards the sacred Mosque (Kaaba) And O Muslims! Turn your faces towards the same, wherever you be, so that people may have no argument against you, but those among them who do injustice, so fear them not and fear Me. And it is for this that I may perfect My favour upon you and that you may be rightly guided.

# As We sent in you Messenger from among you, that he recites Our signs to you and purifies you and teaches you the Book and mature knowledge and teaches you that which you did not know.

# Therefore remember Me, I shall remember you, and accept My right and do not be ungrateful to Me.

# O Believers! Seek help with patience and prayer; no doubt, Allah is with the Patients.

# And say not those who are killed in the path of Allah as dead; but they are alive yes, you are unaware.

# And necessarily, We shall put you to test with something of fear and hunger and with some loss of wealth and lives and fruits; and give glad tidings to the patient.

# That when any calamity comes to them, then they say "We are belongings of Allah and we are to return to Him alone."

# These are the people on whom are the benediction from their Lord and mercy; and they are only on the guidance.

# No doubt, Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of Allah, then whose makes pilgrimage to this House or performs "Umra", there is no sin for him that he may go round both, and who so does any good voluntarily, then Allah is Appreciating and All-knowing.

# No doubt, those who conceal what We have sent down of clear signs and guidance after that We have made it clear in the Book for the people, on them there is the curse of Allah and the curse of those who curse.

# But those who repent and amend and make manifest then I shall accept their repentance and I am the only Relenting Merciful.

# No doubt, those who disbelieved and died as disbeliveers on them is the curse of Allah and of Angels and of men combined.

# They will ever remain in it, neither the torment shall be lightened from them and nor shall they be granted respite.

# And your God is one God, there is no God but He most Gracious and Merciful.

# Verily, the creation of heavens and earth and coming of night and day alternately, and the boat that sails in the river for the benefit of the people, and that which Allah sends down of water from heaven, and revives the dead earth thereby and scatters all kinds of beast therein, and the change of winds and the cloud that is obedient between heaven and earth, in all of them, necessarily there are signs for the wise people.

# And some people set some other deities of worship other than Allah that they love them as they are to love Allah and the believers love not anyone equal to that of Allah. And what would be the condition, if the transgressors see the time when the torments would come before their eyes, because all power belongs to Allah and because the torment of Allah is severe.

# When those who were followed would be disgusted with their followers and would see the torment and all their ties shall be cut asunder.

# And the followers will say, 'Would that for us there were a return (in the world) then We would have broken with them as they have broken with us. Thus will Allah show them their works as anguish for them, and they are not to come out from the Fire.

# O, Mankind! Eat of whatever is in earth lawful clean and follow not the steps of the Devil, no doubt, he is your open enemy.

# He will only command you to evil and indecency and that you should say of Allah what you do not know.

# And when it is said to them, 'follow what Allah has sent down, they say, 'Nay We shall follow that whereon we found our fathers, what! Even if their fathers had no sense at all and no guidance?

# And the saying of disbeliveers is like him who calls unto that who hears nothing except a shout and cry; deaf, dumb, blind, so they have no sense.

# O, believers! Eat our good things provided to you, and be grateful to Allah, if it is He whom you worship.

# He has only made unlawful to you the Carrion, and blood and the flesh of swine and the animal that has been slaughtered by calling a name other than Allah. But he who is driven by necessity, eat neither desiring not, exceeding the need then there is no sin on him, no doubt, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

# Those who conceal the Book sent down by Allah and in exchange of it accept mean price; they fill-in their bellies with fire only and Allah will not talk to them on the Day of Resurrection and nor will He purify them and for them is painful torment.

# Those are they who purchased error in exchange of guidance and torment for forgiveness. Then to what degree is their endurance for fire.

# This is because Allah sent down the Book with truth, and no doubt, those who began to put difference in the Book, they are necessarily, brawlers of highest degree.

# The real righteousness is not this that you turn your face towards East or West; yes, the real virtue is this that one has faith in Allah and the Last day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets and gives his dear wealth for love of Allah to kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for redeeming necks, and establishes prayer and pays poor due (Zakat); and the performer of their promises when make promise and the patients in tribulation and adversity and at time of crusade;-These are they, who proved truth of their talks and they are only God-fearing.

# O, believers: It is obligatory upon you to take retaliation of the blood of those who are killed innocently, the. Free for free and the slave for slave and woman for woman. Then as for him who is forgiven something by his brother, there should be demand for payment with kindness and the payment be made satisfactorily well. This is to ease your burden from your Lord and a mercy upon you. Then after this one who transgresses for him there is painful torment.

# And there is life for you in retaliating for blood, O men of understanding! So that you may save yourselves.

# Made obligatory on you that when death approaches any of you, if he leaves some property, then he should make a will for his parents and near relatives according to usage. This is an obligation on those who fear God.

# Then who so changes the will after hearing, the sin thereof is only on those who change it. No doubt, Allah knows and hears.

# Then who feared, that the testator has done certain injustice or sin, then he made peace between them, there is no sin for him no doubt Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

# O Believers! Fasting have been made obligatory upon you as were made obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become pious.

# The days are counted. Then who so among you is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days, and those who have no strength, they should give in ransom meal to a needy: then who so does more good voluntarily, then that is better for him, and fasting is better for you if you know.

# The month of Ramzan in which Quran was sent down, the direction for the people and guidance and clear signs of judgement; that whoso of you finds this month, necessarily, he should fast in it, and whoso is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days; Allah desires facility for you and desires not hardship and for this, that you should complete the counting and speak of the Greatness of Allah, as He guided you and so that you may be grateful.

# And O beloved, when My bondsmen ask you about Me, then I am indeed near, accept the call of the caller when he calls upon Me; then they should obey My Commands and believe in Me, so that they may get the way.

# It was made lawful for you to go near your women in the nights of fasting. They are your garments and you are their garments. Allah know that you used to put your souls in defalcation, then He accepted your repentance and pardoned you; then now copulate (Intercourse) with them and seek what Allah has written in your destiny and eat and drink until white thread becomes distinct to you from the black thread at the dawn; then complete the fasts till coming of night, and do not touch the women when you remain in the mosques, for devotion. These are the limits of Allah, do not approach them. Allah thus describes His Signs to the people, so that they may become pious.

# And do not eat up unjustly the property of each other among yourselves and nor' convey their cases to the authorities for devouring unlawfully some portion of the property of the people knowingly.

# They ask you about the new moons. Say you, 'They are the signs of time for the people and pilgrimage (Haj). And it is no virtue that you enter your houses by the backs thereof, yes, the virtue is piety, so come in houses by their doors and fear Allah in the hope that you may get prosperity.

# And fight in the way of Allah, those who fight against you and do not transgress, Allah does not love the transgressors.

# And kill the infidels wherever you find and turn them out from the place where from they turned you out; and their mischief is more grievous than killing. And if they fight them near the sacred mosque unless they fight you therein, and they fight against you then kill, them. This is the only punishment of infidels.

# Then if they desist, then no doubt, Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

# And fight them until there is no mischief and be there worship of one Allah, then if they desist, there is no violence save against oppressors.

# There is forbidden month in exchange of forbidden month and elegant manner in exchange of elegant manner Whoso does violence against you, do violence against him in the same measure as he did, and remain tearing Allah and know that Allah is with the God-fearing.

# And spend in the way of Allah, and cast not yourself in destruction with your hand and be good-doers; no doubt! Good doers are the beloveds of Allah.

# And fulfil the Haj and Umra for Allah. Then if you are prevented, send sacrifice which you may get easily and shave not your heads, unless the sacrifice reaches its destination; Then whoso is ill of you or there is some ailment in his head, then he should keep fast in exchange or give alms or sacrifice, then when you are at ease, then whoso takes advantage by combining Umra with Haj, on him there is sacrifice which may be obtained easily. Then whoso cannot afford. He should fast for three days during Haj and seven days when he returns back home, these are ten days complete. This Command is for him who is not the dweller of Mecca and remains fearing to Allah and knows that the torment of Allah is severe.

# The months of Haj are known; then whoso determines to perform Haj in these months, then there should be no mention of Copulation before women nor any sin nor quarrelling with anyone till the time of Haj; and whatever good you do, Allah knows it. And take necessary provision with you, the best provision is piety and remain fearing Me, O Men of under standing!

# There is no sin unto you that you seek the bounty of your Lord. Then when you return back from 'Arafat' remembers Allah near Mashhare-Haram (Qazah Mountain) and remembers Him as He guided you and no doubt, you had gone astray before.

# Then the thing is this that O Men of Quraish, you also return back from the same place whence the people return back and seek forgiveness from Allah: no doubt Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

# Then when you have completed the acts of Haj, remember Allah as you used to remember your fathers, but more than that, and some one says like this, 'O our Lord give us in the world and there is no share of him in the Hereafter.

# And someone says like this, 'O our Lord give us good in the world and give us good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the Hell

# To such people there is share from their earning and Allah is swift at reckoning.

# And remember Allah during Numbered days. Then whoso hastens to leave in two days; there is no sin unto him and whoso stays behind, then on him is no sin for the God fearing, and remain fearing God and know that you have to be raised unto Him.

# And some one of men is he whose talk seems pleasing to you and bring Allah as a witness on what is in his heart, while he is the greatest disputer.

# And when he turns his back then wanders spreading mischief in the land and destroys the crops and lives and Allah agrees not with the mist chief.

# And when it is said to him, 'fear Allah' then he becomes more persistence in sin, to such the hell is enough and that is necessarily, a very bad bed.

# And some one of men sells his life in seeking the pleasure of Allah and Allah is Merciful over his bondmen.

# O People of Faith! enter into Islam as a whole and do not follow the footsteps of Satan (devil); no doubt, he is your open enemy.

# And even after this, that clear commands have come unto you, you slip, then know that Allah is Mighty, Wise.

# What they are waiting for but for this that the torment of Allah should come in the coverings of clouds and the angels should come down and the affairs be completed and to Allah are all affairs returned.

# Ask children of Israel, how many clear signs We gave them and whoso changes the favour of Allah after it has come, then no doubt, the torment of Allah is severe.

# The life of the world has been decorated in the eyes of infidels and they laugh at Muslims and those who fear would be above them on the Day of Resurrection; and God bestows without counting whomsoever He pleases.

# People were on one religion thereafter Allah sent prophets giving good tidings and warning and sent down with them the true Book that it should judge between people in their differences. And only those differed in the Book to whom it was given after clear commands had come to them, through refraction among themselves. Then Allah showed the truth to the believers in which they were quarrelling by His Command, and Allah shows the straight path whomsoever He pleases.

# Do you imagine that you will enter Paradise, and yet the incidents like of your forerunners did not come unto you? The affliction and adversity reached to them and they were badly shaken until the messenger and believers along with him said, 'when will come the help of Allah Listen: no doubt, the help of Allah is nigh.

# They ask you what they should spend. Say: whatever wealth you spend in good, then that is for parents and near relatives and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatsoever good you do, no doubt: Allah knows it.

# It was made obligatory upon you, to fight in the path of God and though it is disliked by you, and it may happen that any thing may be disliked by you and that may be in your favour, and it may happen that anything may be liked by you and that may not be in your favour, and Allah knows and you do not know.

# They ask you the precept for fighting in the sacred month. Say you: 'Fighting therein is a great sin; but to prohibit from the way of Allah, and not to have faith in Him and to prevent from the sacred Mosque (Haram) and to oust its dwellers, are greater sins than it with Allah; and their mischief is more grievous than killing. And they will remain fighting against you always, until they turn you back from your faith, if they can. And whoso among you turns back from his faith, then dies as an infidel, then their works shall go in vain in the world and in the Hereafter, and they are the people of Hell and will abide in it.

# Those who believed and those who left their home and hearth for Allah and fought in the way of Allah, they are the aspirants of the mercy of Allah and Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

# They ask you the precept of wine and gambling. Say you, 'in both there is great sin and also some worldly profit for the people but their sin is greater than their profit and ask you what they ought to spend, say you, 'that which is saved after your needs'. Thus, Allah explains to you His Signs so that you may do after reflecting,

# The works of the world and the Hereafter. And they ask you, the precept about orphans. Say you, 'To do good to them is better, and if you intermix your and their expenses then they are your brothers; and Allah knows well the mischief-maker from the reformer. And had Allah so willed, He would have put you into hardship, no doubt, Allah is Mighty, Wise.

# And marry not idolaters until they accept faith and no doubt, a Muslim bondman is better than an idolater is though she may please you. And give not in marriage to idolaters until they accept faith, and no doubt, a Muslim bondman is better than an idolater, though he may please you. They call towards Hell and Allah call towards Heaven and forgiveness by His Command and explain His Signs for the people so that they may accept admonition.

# And they ask you the precept about menstruation. Say you: - that is a pollution, so keep away from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they are roach them until they are clean. Then when they are clean, go in unto them whence Allah has commanded you. No doubt, Allah likes the constant repentance and likes cleansers.

# Your women are tilths for you, then come in your tilth as you will, and do first the work for your good, and remain fearing Allah and know that you are to meet Him. And O beloved! Give glad tidings to the believers.

# And make not Allah the target of your oaths that you may take oath for not doing good and nor fearing Allah and nor making peace between men; and Allah Hears, Knows.

# Allah does not call you to account for your such oaths as they come out from your tongs unintentionally, yes, He calls you to account for what your hearts have done, and Allah is Forgiving, For" bearing.

# For those who swear off from going to their wives is an awaiting of four months; hence if they go back in this period, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

# And if you decide firmly to divorce, then Allah Hears, Knows.

# And divorced women should keep their souls away till three menstruations, and it is not lawful to them that they conceal what Allah has created in their wombs. If they have faith in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have the right to take them back during that period provided they will to rejoin. And the women have rights similar to those over them according to law, and men have superiority over them and Allah is Dominant, Wise.

# This divorce is for two times only; then is to retain with good or to release with kindness, and it is not allowed to you to take back something of what you have given to the women, but if both fear that they could not keep the limits of Allah. Then, if you fear that the Twain shall not remain just on the same limits then there is no sin on them for that with which the woman ransoms herself. These are the limits of Allah, do not transgress them, and whoso transgresses the limits of Allah, then they are the oppressors.

# Then if she is divorced for the third time, then that women will not be lawful to him, until she lives with another husband, then if that second one divorces her, then there is no sin on the twain if they come together again, if they think that they will observe the limits of Allah, and these are the limits of Allah. He explains them for the learned.

# And when you divorce women and their period are completed, then, till that time either retain them kindly or release them kindly, but there should not be retention to hurt them so that you may transgress the limit and whoso does this, he wrongs his own soul, and do not make jest of the signs of Allah and remember the favour of Allah upon you and the Book and Wisdom which He has sent down to you for admonishing you, and remain fearing Allah and know that Allah knows all things.

# And when you divorce women and their period are completed, then O guardians of women! Prevent them not from marrying their husbands, when they agree among themselves according to law. This counsel is given to him who among you have faith in Allah and the Last Day. This is cleaner and purer for you, and Allah knows and you do not know.

# And mothers should suckle their children for complete two years, for him who intends to complete the period of suckling, and to whom the child belongs, on him there is feeding and clothing of the women according to convention. No soul shall be burdened but within his capacity, the mother should not be made to suffer because of her child and nor father because of his child or (the mother should not make the child to suffer, and nor father to his child, and the same is incumbent on the father's heir. Then if the mother and father both try to wean by mutual consent and consultation, there is no sin on them; and if you wish that your children should be suckled by nurses, then too there is no blame on you, provided what was agreed to pay is paid by you with kindness, and remain fearing Allah and know that Allah is seeing your works.

# And those of you who die and leave behind wives, they should keep themselves apart for a period of four months and ten days, then when they complete their period, then O guardians! There is no blame on you in anything, which the women do with regard to themselves according to law. And Allah is aware what you do.

# And there is no sin on, you regarding this, that you sent offer of marriage to women by giving obscure hint or hold it in your hearts. Allah knows that now you will remember them. Yes, make not with them secret contract, but say that much only which is known in law. And do not resolve wedding-tie until the written term reaches to its period and know that Allah knows what is in your heart, then fear him and know that Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing

# There is no any demand against you if you divorce the women while you have not touched them or have fixed any dower. And give them something to carry on with the men of resources according to his means and the poor according to his means some" thing to carry on with, this is incumbent on the well doers.

# And if you divorced women without touching them and for them you had already fixed some dower, then what much was agreed half of it is incumbent but if the women forgo something or he gives more in whose hand is the tied of the marriage, and O men your giving more is nearer to' piety. And do not forget doing good to each other among! Your selves. No doubt, Allah is seeing your works.

# Watch over all your prayers and the middle prayer and stand before Allah with devotion.

# And if you are in fear then, on foot or riding, as you can, then when you are secure remember Allah as He taught you that which you did not know.

# And those of you who die and leave behind them wives, they should bequeath for their women to provide them maintenance for a year without turning them out; then if they themselves leave, you are not accountable regarding any proper thing which they did in their matters and Allah is Dominant, Wise.

# And for a divorced woman too there is proper maintenance, it is incumbent on the God fearing

# Thus Allah explains His signs for you so that you may understand.

# O beloved! Had you not seen those who came out from their homes and they were in thousands for fear of death? Then Allah said to them. "Die" and thereafter made them alive. No doubt, Allah is Gracious to people but most of the people are ungrateful.

# And fight in the way of Allah and know that Allah Hears Knows.

# Is there any who should give a goodly loan to Allah so that Allah may increase many times for him. And Allah scants and amplifies, and you are to return unto Him.

# O Beloved! Did you not see a group of the children of Israel after Moosa? When they spoke to a prophet of theirs, 'raise for us a king that we may fight in the way of Allah'. The prophet told, 'Are your style like this that if the fighting is made obligatory on you, thereafter you may not fight'? Spoke they, 'what happened to us that we should not fight in the way of Allah whereas we have been driven away from our homeland and from our Children? But when fighting was made obligatory! On them, they turned their faces but a few of them, and Allah knows very well the, unjust.

# And their prophet said to them. 'Verily Allah has sent Talut as your king.' Spoke they 'How can there be kingship of him over us, whereas we are more entitled for the kingship than he, and nor he has been given abundance of wealth too'. Said the prophet "Allah has chosen him over you, and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and body, and Allah gives His kingdom to whom He will and Allah is All-Embracing All-knowing.

# And their prophet said to them: 'the sign of his king ship is that there would come to you an ark in which there is ranquility of hearts from your Lord, and there are something left of the relics of the respectable Moosa and the respectable Haroon, the angels raising it would bring. No doubt, in it there is great sign for you if you believe

# When Talut aparted taking the armies from the City spoke he: 'no doubt Allah is to test you with a stream. Then whoso drinks he is not mine, and whose drinks not, he is mine, but he who takes a sip with his hand, then all drank of it except a few of them. Again when Talut and the Muslim with him went across the stream spoke, 'we have no power against Jalut and his armies'. Those who were sure to meet Allah spoke, 'that often a small party has triumphed over a large party by Allah's Command, and Allah is with the steadfast.

# Again when they came across Jalut and his armies, they submitted: 'O our Lord pour forth steadfastness upon us and make our steps firm, and help us against disbelieving people.

# Then they routed them by the Command of Allah and Daud slew Jalut and Allah gave him Kingdom and wisdom and taught him what He pleased. And if Allah would not repel some of them by some others among people, then necessarily the earth, would have been ruined, but Allah is Munificent to entire, world.

252. These are the verses of. Allah, that O beloved! We recite correctly to you and you are no doubt one of the Messengers.